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The Story Of the Bath House

In 1912, the year of the “Titanic” the doors of Kilcullen’s Bath House opened for business.  The Bath house had been built for the purpose on a site required by the Kilcullen Family as far back as 1898.  



The Edwardian building at the time as ‘Kilcullen’s Modern Bath House’, an attempt to set it apart from a much older establishment dating from the middle of the 19th century, is today as it was then.  Ironically it is that ‘modern’ building which now gives the Bath House its quaint Edwardian charm...

What is a Seaweed Bath?

As the name suggest it is a bath full of hot Sea Water with seaweed added but to confine the answer to a factual description is to do a great injustice to what it is, to the thousands of people who enjoy it, the ultimate bathing experience....



Imagine that you are immersed in an enormous bath, luxuriating in expensive bath oils.  As you relax you experience weightlessness... you are floating in a tranquil amber tinted sea of unashamed luxury...

The Benefits of Seaweed Baths

Tradition along the west coast of Ireland holds that the practice of bathing in hot water and Seaweed provides relief from painful symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis.  



The therapeutic power of the Seaweed Bath is attributed to the high concentration of Iodine that occurs naturally in Sea Water and in Seaweed...

Enniscrone Traditional Hot Seaweed Baths

Relaxing... Therapeutic... Natural and Pure... estd 1912


Address: Enniscrone, Co Sligo, Ireland,


Telephone: (096 36238)





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